Freedom for Russia — Never Give Up! 🤍💙🤍

8 min readFeb 21, 2024

Lets be real here for a minute — putins Russia has 6000 nukes and is now threatening to put some of them into orbit in space. Nothing else matters: not Palestine, not Etheopia, not Myanmar and not anywhere else. This is not to say that the struggles of those peoples do not matter, it is simply that they pail in comparison to the global destruction of the entire world themselves included. Navalny tried to stop putin and now he’s dead.

The progress of every sovergn country in the world is trending towards technological supremecy, and globally were all trending towards technocracy. That is to say that territories peopled by human beings who embrace technological and governance progress on the whole tend to be more efficient than those who are not. This is the main thesis laid down in the US Declaration of Independance; that those not subject to the arbitrary rule of a king and the law of a star chamber are able to more effectively to contribute to an economy — and that such an economy driven by the invisible hand, directed by the laws of capitalism, is more effective still than arbitrary law passed by any single man-king who will always make FUCKING STUPID decisions as an absolute ruler. This is why internationally most countries have been switchinging to transparent democracies and away from corrupt autocracies. Its just better business 🙌

Russia, being the one of the oldest governments and empires in history today, has now had a 850 year history of fucking around and finding out. As all empires back hundereds of years — the reason for it being so were that the technology for an efficient and effective democracy didnt really exist back when the Mongol hordes where sweeping across Europe. However once the printing press came about and the age of enlightenment led people to discovering literacy, the Russian Empire was stuck in a rut. It’s aristocracy didnt really want its surfs/slaves to learn to read and become sovergn citizens from the crown — so it dragged out their emancipation all the way up until the two revolutions that destroyed the monarchy and replaced it with communist dictat. In an unfortunate turn of events for the people of Russia, right around that time it was discovered that oil was to be the defacto fuel for international motor transport. So rather than failing the Soviet Dictatorship then proceeded to become a superpower and attempt to destroy the world many times over with all the oil on its formerly imperial territories.

It was not until the 1990s when thanks to Soviet corruption in Ukraine, the 15 republics of the USSR invoked their seperation clauses having seen first-hand how Soviet leadership mis-handled the Chernobyl disaster. Becoming a smaller state, and going through not one but two coups, the new Russian state for the first time became a democracy after abolishing the “Supreme Soviet”! Unfortunately for the finally emancipated Russian slaves — this was not to last as western-advized rapid privatization led to unprecidented corruption. Various oligarchs and mafiosi rose to positions of power and started attempting to take over the state apparatus itself. It is during this time that Russias first president, Yeltsin the drunkard, running for re-election was destined to loose to a communist. At this time Russia, having de-evalutated its currency three times in a row was despirate for an IMF bailout to stay afloat. The United States having gained control of the UN-IMF during the cold war for all intensive purposes stipulated that the loan would only come through if Yeltsin won ( thereby defacto meddling in Russian elections ). Yeltsin was therefore handidly re-elected and handed off his presidency in 2000 to putin in a New Years address. putin, having dismantled all checks and balanes of the state since then, is still in power to this day.

Navalny was kind of like the Mandelorian — his job consisted of bounty hunting for corruption within the schema of the Russian state. However coming across corruption at an ever increasing and unprecedented state under putin, he became convinced that change in course was not possible for Russia when corruption in effect was sanctioned from the very top. This is why after exposing time and time again to the Russian people just how corrupt putin and his KGB friends were, Navalny started running for public office. And once he started, he became blocked at every opportunity by the fully corrupt mafia state under putin. Getting arrested many times and blocked from candidacy on truped up charges by officials on putins take, Navalny still managed an impressive turn out at every election and every protest. That is until he was finally arrested under trumped up charges of corruption by the clearly corrupt organs of the Russian state he and his team exposed on the internet.

It is for believing in a Russia, with its immense natural resources becoming a thriving democrocacy that he ended up being poisoned — not once, not twice but ultimately three times! And oh no, he did not take it lying down. He actually located the assasins and their contact info and even prank called them pretending to be a superior in order to collect all the information as to why and how the assasination attempt went down. After his second assasination attempt with the same Novichok nerve agent — and recovering in Germany, this patriot of a man flew right back to Russia to take up the fight. It was there he was arrested in 2021, during the pandemic, and thrown into prison until being poisoned a 3rd time (supposedly) in 2024 — this time fatally.

Navalny more than anyone stood for a free Russia for the first time in its almost 1000 year history! He understood and he believed that like America, a state should be a nation of laws and not of corrupt men. He and his team saw clearly that the natural wealth of Russia was being stolen by putin and his keys. That rather than being the richest people on this planet, the dictator alone had become the richest single man on earth. And that while ultimate power ultimately corrupts anyone and everyone, having become the richest was still somehow not enough. That invading Ukraine for newly discovered oil in 2014 would make him richer. He would have more palaces, with more golden toilets, more servants, more serfs and more opulence just like a Czar, just like Peter “the Great”. And after liquidating eveyrone who opposed him within the Russian intelligence apparatus he foolheartedly decided to invade Ukraine and try to take Kyiv in 3 days, with troops carrying parade uniforms instead of rations.

Navalny’s death came as a shock to everyone and no one. Just like Russian corruption of the army came as a shock to no one. Its not hard to reason that if there is no money for a well-paved road between Moscow and St. Petesburg there wouldnt be money for basic necessities in the Russian army during active service. In a state where literally everything not bolted down AND everything that is being stolen, there can be no expectation of professionalism whatsoever. Some called it the Russian Mob going to war and some called it the Russian Gas station on the offensive. The fact remains the same — putin and his henchmen effectively captured the biggest and most resource rich sovergn state in the world and milked it for all its worth over more than two decades now. Theres little that remains to fight a professional war which is why Russian citizens have been reduced again to the position of slaves, where theyre used to grope for the mines in meat waves themselves.

In a national embarassement to all Russian people everywhere putin has turned the Russian state that defeated hitler into a fascist dictatorship. And as you may very well know, hitler tried but failed to develop nuclear weapons. Just imagine what he would have done with nukes when we saw him defending his bunker in Berlin with Berlins children to the bitter end! putin is in the same position where because he has no accountability or responsibity to the Russian people he has fallen onto hard dictator logic. And that logic dictates the preservation of self above that of the state or its people. Just as Navalny predicted, having putler in power for many a successive term has led Russia down the dark path of human rights violations, geniva violations, crimes against humanity and unspeakable horrors that have been documented online over and over since Feb 24 2022 🇺🇦

Navalny’s wife has taken over the mantle now that he has been murdered by the Russian state. But that in itself is not the full story. It is the Russian people — historically oppressed and enslaved by their state for near 1000 years who are fed up with this fucked up endless smear of shit. It is the individuals who make up a country of over 140 million internally and 10 million as the largest diaspora on the planet. A people who, as putin has said “look to a future they see beyond the horizon”, and are tired of dictators and despots, kings and tyrants, warlords and mafiosos steering the country and the whole world with Russia into oblivion. Wars are fought by troops in the thosands but the Russian people know and understand full well that it is history which is written by citizens of a nation in the hundreds of millions. A dictator can stop an old woman with a rose for Navalny, perhaps he can have her beat up. Maybe he can break her ankle or both and a shiner to boot. But a dictator can do nothing when a tsunami of Russians pissed off at being made the new Nazis rises up and stands for whats right! When an electorate denied their rights realizes that sooner or later, arm in arm, the progress to a real Russian democracy is Russias destiny. That it is inevitable 🤍💙🤍

Navalny’s last words were “If I have been killed by them then they are at their weakest” ❤️ Lets take those words to heart and act!

