🇺🇦 Protect Ukraine’s Skies from Terrorist Attacks on Civilians — June 2024

3 min readJun 27, 2024

Dear [Elected Representative’s Name],

As a naturalized-Ukrainian/American with family in Ukraine I am writing to you today to address the critical need for additional Patriot missile batteries to safeguard Ukrainian civilians and infrastructure.

Ukraine is facing daily terrorist attacks from ruzzia, including the use of huge missiles and explosive drones. These strikes not only target civilian energy infrastructure but also directly and deliberately civilian facilities such as schools, kindergartens, malls, grocery stores and all other such areas where community members gather. The situation is dire, as ruzzia carries out multiple 911-style terror attacks daily!

AFU currently possess a fiew Patriot missile (and other) defense systems. However, given the scale of the threat, Ukraine needs up to 20 batteries to effectively cover its skies and protect every kindergarden on its territory from having a cruise missile land in it. Lets close the skies over Ukraine, because I can not bear to see another toddler with missing limbs, eyes or significant life-altering injuries — which just as often prove fatal. If we can stop this, and long term will stop this anyway, lets do so sooner than later and not drag our feet as has been characteristic of our military support throughout putin’s war since his invasion in 2022.

I implore you to advocate for FULLY closing the skies over Ukraine via provision of additional Patriot missile batteries. We as Ukraine’s allies must do more to prevent the children of Ukraine from dying daily in these terror acts, and we cannot allow ruzzia to continue to take advantage of our lethargic response to their use of military munitions to deliberately murder and maim civilians.

Thank you for your attention to this urgent matter. I trust that you will use your influence to champion what needs to be done within the Executive Branch to keep my family as well as many other families in Ukraine safe from terror in the skies.


Founder & Owner of Retrographic LLC

Additionally passing along a request from the contact line: The UK is renowned for producing some of the world’s best gas masks. These masks can prove crucial for protecting frontline Ukrainian troops facing constant illegal chemical attacks, because their existing Soviet-era gas masks are not doing the job. Compelling the UK to provide these masks would significantly reduce the human suffering of ground troops against these deplorable WW1-era attacks and insure more of them make it safely back to their families.

Update: This was successsful as Ukraine will get many air defenses following Joe Biden’s announcement at the NATO Security Summit in Washington D.C. this July 2024!

Ukraine will get Dozens. The number of air defense batteries that NATO countries plan to give Ukraine. There’s a Patriot battery from Spain and components for one from Sweden. The United States, Germany, and Romania will send Ukraine additional Patriots, and the Netherlands and other countries will provide enough components to cobble together another battery.

There’s also an alphabet soup of other air defense systems coming to Ukraine. Norway and Germany are giving an IRIS-T air defense battery, and Norway is giving Ukraine about $93 million for air defense needs. Italy is giving a SAMP-T air defense system. NATO countries are also pledging NASAMS, HAWKs, and Gepards.




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Founder of Sprocket Bicycle App @Retrographic | Ex @Lyft

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