Dear [Elected Representative],
Why is Congress negotiating with an unelected extremist who is actively shutting down the government while praising Hitler and the Holocaust? The United States does not negotiate with terrorists, yet lawmakers are treating these fascists as legitimate political actors. 183,588 Americans died fighting Nazis in WW2!
This is a coup in slow motion, methodically dismantling the federal government while institutions meant to stop it are paralyzed. The Orange NAZIS are currently defanging the Army, Navy, Airforce, Coast Guard and anyone else who would be able to enforce court orders!
The 25th Amendment must be invoked immediately before these extremists corrupt and dismantle DOD and render the military powerless from being capable of enforcing US law!
If these NAZIS succeed in gutting the military and defense infrastructure, they will make it impossible for Congress or the courts to hold them accountable. Even if they are found guilty of crimes, who will enforce the law if the enforcement mechanisms no longer exist? A dismantled military and weakened law enforcement would leave them free to consolidate power, rendering any legal action impossible.
Simply don’t play these fascist games with these orks who are currently deficating on the chessboard and planning to pull the fingernails off your grandparents in some basement, drafting plans to use power-drills on the kneecaps of future “dissidents” like me and you.
Act Now — Remove These Traitors Before It’s Too Late
Federal law and military and police law enforcement must immediately arrest trump, elon and any other nazis conspiring to dismantle the gov. They must be permanently barred from accessing government data, infrastructure, and decision-making before they are able to to turn over the levers of US power of my country to the dictatorships of ruzzia and china!!!
Today I talked to a Checkoslovakian EU Citizen in a bar in Portugal — who remembers how his country was invaded and occupied by the Warsaw Pact for 22 years. Are we as American’s expected by the US Armed Forces to invade and occupy Canada, Mexico, Panama, Greenland/Denmark, Palestine, maybe the entire European Union just like the enemy we defeated during the Cold War? Are we then expected to erect actual holocaust extermination camps for non-whites in these US-occupied territories? Stop this madness NOW before we become the abyss we are gazing straight into!!
Thank you for your immediate attention and F action on this matter.
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