Sometimes you’ve got to get angry to make change

4 min readApr 12, 2022


Sometimes youve got to get mad

Sometimes youve got to get insane

Fall off the cliff

Dive off the ledge

Be somebody who gives a shit, somebody who gives a fuck

Its pure and simple — sometimes change is made not by those who know they can move a thing or two but by those who push a thing or two

“If you see something, then say something” only goes so far. Most of the time not very far based on how people reckon other people will react and pick up the slack. The “Bystander effect” says otherwise. It says that somebody else is going to pick up that burden, pay attention, act.

Be. That. Person. That. Gives. a. FUCK.

Just get ape-shit crazy. Take it all the way and act. Know what you stand for! Be energized and participate in society!

Do the right thing because you give a shit and do not give a shit if somebody else does the same.

You have to understand that our society is breaking down. Its being digested and regurgitated by itlself in an endless spiral of hopelessness. Were all looking out for that superhero or vigilante to save our souls. What we dont understand is that that person is us. We dont understand that this power is inside all of us. Moreso we do not comprehend or understand how to communicate it outwardly to other members of our community in a way that will empower them.

However this goes beyond you and them. This has to do with what you think and what you do. It has everything to do with the tipping points of when you choose to relax or to act. Usually things upset you but you choose not to act-why? You choose not to act out of fear-maybe. You choose not to act out of uncertainty-certainly. You choose perhaps not to act because it ultimately does not bother you that much-out of laziness. Let somebody else take care of my problems, somebody who really really cares. Somebody who cares so much more than me that theyre willing to spend the time, energy and attention on this ‘societal’ issue. AND fix it for me without me having to lift a finger myself to heave an ounce of effort onto that majestic pile


You have to get mad. Get ANGRY! Read, understand and follow the pulse of the current events to understand where they are headed and how they affect you personally, directly. It is only then that you peer into the darkness and understand the truth. And that truth is that youre riding that beast already whether you like it or not. Its already directly screwing you and everyone you love over whether you want it or not. Its already here and the only difference is you havent recognized it for what it truly is.

And what is it truly. What is all that stuff thats making your life all mangled and fucked up. That thing is apathy. That thing is carelessness. Its non-engagement and laziness by you and all of your fellow citizens. Hundreds of thousands of human beings zombified into the stupor of inaction that directly affects your life. Living biomass choking out your breath, multiplying aimlessly and creating a multiplicity of thoughtless problems as a cancer would. An overgrowth of unconscious overgrowth — a multiplicity of automated vessels yearning to propagate without reason.

Like a garden, its fine to have some of that — but ultimately there comes a point where the overgrowth encroaches on the capability of the whole to effortlessly pivot and steer in the right direction. At some point there comes a breaking point where the mindless mass overwhelms and lays its dumb weight on smart soveregn individuals which are a part of the greater whole. A set of individuals who have tolerance but who also have a tipping point. You have to read enough and perceive enough to be able to make the call when enough is enough. When the threat to the environment, to advanced society and technological civilization is exceeded.

And when that point comes you really do need to get angry. You need to get mad preceisely because you have read and learned and understood whats at stake.

Its really hard to describe in words — but theres a tipping point between when you give some sort of a fuck a little ( not enough to act ) and when that tips over into giving a fuck ton of fucks about fucking some shit up ( if you know what I mean ) All Im saying is that learning about the world and anger are useful tools to push on the walls of the construct put up before you. That anything built or written or even conceived before your existence can, will and must be changed. The only thing missing is your will to care.

You assume that someone else will care

They will not

You assume that if you care you will care about it alone

You will not

You assume that being angry about a thing and caring about it that much more is inappropriate

It is not

Think your thoughts. Feel your feels. Release your emotions.

In the end it is both what you think rationally and feel irrationally that will set you free. That and the understanding that everyone around you is also a human being and struggles and fails at the same exact things. It is the realization that your mind acts in concert with other minds as a greater whole and not simply unto itself that makes all the difference. You, by will alone set your mind in motion. And by doing so you set other minds in motion too!

Get angry. Be pissed. Hate the way things are.

Then take the initiative to ACT and lead a change in them!

Remake the world into a better tomorrow,





Written by 7

Founder of Sprocket Bicycle App @Retrographic | Ex @Lyft

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