Dear [Representative/Senator/White House],
At the end of 2023 the world stands at a great precepitice staring into the nightmare future of global dictatorship for eons to come. Our technological progress has unlocked the ability to read peoples thoughts and dreams with “AI” this year. If we allow dictators a foothold across this earth, this technology will steadfastly be used to destroy the last bastion of freedom every human being holds sacred; the right to freedom of thought! And the battlefield over the right to your own thoughts and choices is being waged right now across my families land in Ukraine 🇺🇦
Dictatorships are like a cancer. If unchecked they spread and if they get far enough they become terminal. There is no point in negotiating with cancer. No reason to give it room to grow and pray that it will decide to stop under its own momentum. Fascist dictatorships like putins are worst of all because they corrupt the minds of all those who come under their sway in a manner not dissimilar to rabies. The Russian/Chinese alliance bearing down on Ukraine is like the meteor that wiped out the dinosaurs; an existential crisis. If they are allowed a foothold in Ukraine by military means they will shitwreck the rest of the modern democracies just as easily. Unlike the bloody Roman Empire, as they gain momentum conquering country after country they WILL ABSOLUTELY AND TOTALLY deploy the technology of mind control 🧠
When my family in Ukraine calls the Russian crimes-against-humanity troops “Orcs” what theyre really saying is the LOTR meme “THEY SHALL NOT PASS !!!” For if they do — all modern human civilization is at risk, and just like in Isaac Asimovs Foundation Trilogy we will plunge directly into 1000+ years of darkness. It is imperitive that you understand — the Ukrainian people are mere mortals. We are not some Hollywood wizard with a magic staff thats able to stop a CGI monster because the script says so. Zelensky’s Ukraine does not have an inexhaustible reserve of bodies to portal at the problem on behalf of the civilized world to defend against putins drugged meat-waves 🌊
The Earth needs money and weapons to be sent to Ukraine from the richest country upon this earth to HALT the spread of fascism. To arrest its progress. To bring liberty to not only the Ukrainian people but also the Russian, the Chinese, the Iranian, the North Korean, and more. Masses yearning to be free! The thing of it is — its not just Ukrainians asking for this aid and not just democracies but in fact ALL PEOPLE WHO BREATHE EVERYWHERE ALL AT ONCE 🥯
I therefore urge you to not only do the right thing and vote accordingly and also to reach across the aisle and take the time and energy to convince as many republicans as possible of the need to avoid a ripe fascist mind-controlled millenium thats about to be forced on all of us indefinitely. After all once the Russian Government comes after Alaska, California, Hawaii with nuclear blackmail ( lands that used to be within its Imperial Dominion and for which it has already made designs today ) and then wedging into every other state these republicans will be collared and gagged by mind-weapons just like every other helpless slave czar putin owns and does with as he pleases 🇷🇺
DO NOT waste time. ACT NOW !
Vote accordingly. Your future is your own if you can keep it. The world looks to your tomorrow ! 🌍
We are all 🇺🇦
Founder & Owner of Retrographic
Meno Park, CA 🇺🇸