🇺🇸 Trump Must Be Rebuked for Bringing Dishonor to our United States — August 2024

6 min readAug 18, 2024

Dear [Elected Representative],

Former president trumps remarks about the Medal of Honor recipients of the Armed forces of the United States are unacceptable and unbecoming of any citizen of our great republic much less a former president. His words cast a long dark shadow on the accomplishments of the many service men who have sacrificed their lives and/or endured lifelong disability in the service of the U.S. Constitution. Not only has he called our soldiers “suckers and losers” previously but now has come up with a way to ratchet up his insults to degrade even those citizens who have served our country with the outmost valor. An example must be made for all future presidents and presidential candidates for all time going forward that such speech is unacceptable and dequalifies one of candidacy or an active seat in our White House. We the people are united in the idea that WE SHALL NEVER AGAIN be ruled by idiot kings and we made this clear in 1776! 🇺🇸

As a naturalized citizen of the United States, and a former juror on a criminal trial for over a month, I understand at a basic level what its like to serve my country and faithfully execute the laws of this great land millions of men fought for so hard and died to protect. We are the greatest nation on this earth very specifically because our soldiers and service-people understand that they fight to defend the code embedded in the constitution and no one man. They understand as freemen that we are a nation of laws and are willing to commit extreme acts of heroism on the battlefield to protect this idea. This Manchurian Candidate 🇷🇺🇨🇳 spits in the eye of every active and former service member serving in the Executive Branch, the Legislative Branch and the Judicial — while simultaneously leveraging every trick in the book and spinning a web of lies to beg the public for the right to rule over the Executive and oversee the Legislative + Judicial. We can not let this flesh-eating cancer anywhere near the levers of power of our constitutional republic! 👁️

As you work daily within the Executive instrument of power vested in you by the people I implore you to leverage your position to compel Medal of Honor recipients to step forward. Our nation deserves to hear from them directly how and why they were awareded the Medal of Honor. Additionally you should advise our press to posthumously educate the American public, all 340 million of us, about the stories of previous Medal of Honor recipients who have died on the field of battle. Especially those who have sacrificed so much during the American Revolutionary War, The war of 1812 where we rebuffed the UK after they torched our capital, World War 1 against the Kaiser and the Ottomans, World War 2 where we defeated fascist Germany, Italy and Japan, as well as Korea and Vietnam ( many of who’s veterans are with us to this day )

Many Americans no longer understand what valor means or why these medals are awarded, therefore they are not cogniscant of the gravitoss of the insult trump has laid bare at the feet of our military. Furthermore his statement if left unchallenged serves to discredit service in the military and dampen all future applications for voluntary service, as well as necessary recruitement, as well as obligatory conscription efforts (should they become necessary in the future). Of course it specifically and particularly casts into the heads of our current and future soldiers a hesitation to commit future acts of valor when they can now expect to be ‘insulted by a president of the United States’ for doing so.

Our republic should treat this statement as a direct attack against our capability to maintain constitutional order and condemn this act in the strongest way possible! From now, August 18th 2024, until the election on November 5th 2024 every single active and former military service member should be telling either their Medal of Honor story repeatedly across all mediums of communication or ( if they have not received one ) educating about current and former Medal of Honor Recipients they feel the duty to educate about. Furthermore they should tie this great dishonor not just to trump alone but to the structural failing of the republican party in general which has sought to insult our service members so gravely while grasping at straws as a failing party in much the same way as the Wigs. It should be made clear to the American public that acts of ultimate valor for the Constitution are above party lines and that parties who do not uphold the receprocity and acknowledgement for these service members defacto shoud be seen as parties seeking irrelevancy when it comes to the direction of the future of the United States.

We are a nation of the people by the people and we will not suffer any opportunists who insult us as a way to curry favor with dictators such as putin, xi, kim or maduro. Neither will we follow any prospective leader that does so in jest or by ‘accident’. We will not suffer malicous candidates for the presidency who seek to do active and permanent harm to our capability to organize around the constitution, whether they get elected or not, simply through their being in the spotlight of running for the presidency. This will end here and now. And you will make sure this endurable example is set in 2024 for centuries and millenia to come! ✨

7 — Founder of Retrographic
Maker of Sprocket Bicycle Marketplace

Ai shortened version to 2000 characters for the White House

Dear [Elected Representative],

Former President Trump’s recent remarks about Medal of Honor recipients are deeply unacceptable, especially coming from someone who once held our nation’s highest office. His words cast a shadow over the sacrifices made by countless service members who have given their lives or endured lifelong disabilities to defend the U.S. Constitution. These brave men and women, who have been awarded the Medal of Honor for acts of extraordinary valor, deserve our utmost respect — not to be denigrated as “suckers and losers,” as Trump has previously done.

It is imperative that we set an example for all future presidents and presidential candidates that such speech disqualifies one from holding any office in our White House. As a naturalized citizen and a former juror, I understand the importance of service and the need to honor those who fight for our freedoms. Our soldiers and service members defend the Constitution, not any one person, and their heroism should never be questioned or insulted.

I urge you to encourage Medal of Honor recipients to share their stories with the public. Americans need to understand the true meaning of valor and why these medals are awarded. Additionally, the press should be encouraged to educate the public about the sacrifices made by previous Medal of Honor recipients, especially those who gave their lives in wars that defined our nation’s history.

Leaving Trump’s statement unchallenged risks discrediting military service and discouraging future recruits. It also casts doubt in the minds of current and future soldiers, who may hesitate to commit acts of valor if they believe they might be insulted by a future president for doing so. This is not just an insult to our military; it is a direct attack on our constitutional order.

We must ensure that this moment serves as a lasting example that any attempt to undermine the honor of our service members will not be tolerated. Our nation’s future depends on it.

Thank You





Written by 7

Founder of Sprocket Bicycle App @Retrographic | Ex @Lyft www.sprocket.bike/app

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