What it means to be human

6 min readApr 12, 2022


A spidering consciousness reaches out through my body to type these words into medium but what is it and why does it matter to you

For that matter what is you?

Are you a figment of your imagination? A firmament of societal justice? An asteroid blazing a path of destruction through human space?

My question is simply; do you know yourself as well as I know you?

You are a thing that goes through life thinking and doing whatever it pleases. More often than not you think what you must and do what youre told. Unfortunately it is likely you havent been given — or taken, the time to get to know yourself as I have. As frightening as it is HAD you looked into it you would have by now realized youre just as irrelevant as some NPC standing around in Baulers Gate, or some such video game. Devoid of feeling or purpose. An ameba coursing through its live pointlessly to an end to be determined by chance or a D20 dice roll.

But you will proclaim loudly: IM A HUMAN BEING!


And to that I say: “Fine: what is your life purpose?”

How do you know there's a reason you inhibit this ether? How do you know that there's a purpose to your actions? to the shit you did yesterday or today?

These are actually questions we all struggle with and questions I can help answer if you read further

To break it down to you as succinctly as I can; No there is not a specific purpose to your existence. You’ve been created as an automaton by other self-perpetuating automatons in a reality that ultimately cares very little about your existence or endeavors. Specifically — you're a body grown out of natural-selection pre-programmed cells to take the male or female form, with some bullshit mixed in from your parents to fight the eternal struggle against the ever evolving viruses and bacteria. Essentially YOU as an entity have been placed ( against your will ) in charge of a very advanced reality manipulator. I like to think of it as a MechWarrior or a Gundam suit but you can also call it any number of things.

Your brain likewise is a you, that is by design, built without your intervention. Initially the platform self-builds itself based on DNA instructions to a foundational level. After that basic mimicry systems take over to enculturated it to a higher level of whatever civic domain it accidentally ends up being a part of. What is said about nationalism is true here, “fucked are those who believe there is divinity in where chance incepted them to grow and be”. After your inculturation level is complete you start to install applications on top of your mind. This goes for everything form tying your shoelaces, speaking a language to learning to drive. None of these things are you so much as Lyft is YOU when you use its service to order a ride. ( more on that later )

Great you have a mind and a body that exists in some kind of fucking reality that follows through with your actions when you prod it. But really … what the fuck is going on? Well you exist in a bullshit matrix-like prison where you have to precive everything around you through the I/O ports in your pre-fab body. So your mind constructs this matrix around you which is really a bubble into which your external receptors bring all the signals which are interpalated— thus generating a type of individual reality. This donut or radar as I like to call it is what you percieve your reality to be — and to be fair it is a prison of the mind. No two are alike and in all factuality if you were to think concretely nothing exists when you look down the street or around a corner where your mind can not percieve the signal to render it. The real reality is that youre stuck in an input-feed of a simulation of some shitty video game and youre the prisoner. And these matrixes we wear around our conciousness is what we use to see when we move across reality as we bump unto other doughnuted beings with similar perception.

Okay but it can't get much more fucked up than this can it? Well yes my friend you're already following the white rabbit down the rabbit hole so lets take it all the way. The crazy thing is your mind isn't even your mind — what you think is yours is actually the domain of all the people you interact with regularly. As they say “No man is an island to themselves” This is so with your mind — which is actually shared with those individuals AND corporations AND other entities which have the capability to communicate to your mind whatsoever. In fact your mind is kind of like a vast grey African continent that is undergoing a landgrab by who knows who and who knows to what end! If you were to simplify your mind into a pie-chart, just think how much of your mind is Apple or Nike or Christianity or some other concept, which is ultimately not you. And lets not forget that all of these entities have a direct impact on the thoughts and choices which you claim as your own! HA!

Okay so your body is not your own and neither are your thoughts but surely there is a self which is you. This is all well and good but we exist in what is called the Hume pyramid ( named after the famous philosopher ) where we as consciousness sit at the very top of the pyramid and control the entire constellation of Gundam/MechWarrior corpo/religious/otherworldly biomass. Great you think! By jove weve solved it! But no — now we get to what the fucking fuck is consciousness. Surprize surprise no one actually knows. We’ve explored the deepest parts of our oceans and the farthest reaches of space but we actually dont know what IS consciousness. Oddly enough it is something which is emergent from the self-constructing actualization of matter. A crown on the jewel of various types of reality manipulators. Something thats simulatniously ubiquitous and equaly rare and fragile within the enthropic universe. A miracle to which you are forced to bear ultimate witness — whether you like it or not.

Every being that moves upon this earth is undeniably conscious. There is also no debate that some things are more conscious than others. So to speak a hierarchy of things like ants which are okay to kill and Formula F1 pitstop workers which are not. There is also the interesting tidbit about the consciousness at the top of Humes pyramid being there reguardless of the physical configuration of the body that self-assembled itself to such a level. In effect it might be true that consciousness is actually universal between beings and is in this way not any different between individuals as plumbing is between houses. Another way to put it is that there may be a yet undiscovered physics property which permeates all of reality and exists within objects on a sliding radient such that all stones have it at a lower scale, animals at some intermediary level and human beings up at levels dependent on the configuration of their individual self-assembled brain capacities. Essentially what im trying to say is that if you were a fish in a fish tank you would percieve the fingers of a hand reaching into the tank as individuals — when we damn well know theyre appendages of a greater whole!

Ah but you say this is useless. What can I possibly do with all of this information!

Like a skilled artist with a paintbrush ready and at ease, when inspiration strikes you can paint exactly the reality you want to perceive. You can imagine cloud cities and worlds upon worlds only limited by your imagination. It is precisely your imagination which is limited by your understanding of your corporal self. When you understand the matter and atomized constituents your symbiotic mind body and self are made of — you can truly pilot this gift of an amalgamation to its ultimate eventuality. The world you see in your minds eye is as near as your reach and all youve got to do is understand how to reach out and grab it.

Hopefully by painting the door ive helped you understand how to step through it and seize the moment. Undeniably a lot of this is new information that will take you some time to process. However just know that when you stray of the designated path of what a human being is defined as by pop-culture is when you start to stumble onto exotic profundities which are unignorable. And it is these major pieces which constitute your existance. Which drive your reason. Which define your purpose.

Speaking of which … what is your purpose?

Is this even air youre breathing?





Written by 7

Founder of Sprocket Bicycle App @Retrographic | Ex @Lyft www.sprocket.bike/app

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